Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Zephaniah 3:17

I was reading this devotional and it brought up this verse...  i've never really read the book of Zephaniah so this was a cool verse to find! Here it is:

Zephaniah 3:17
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Now, i'm sure all of you are aware that God is always with you.. And that's a cool thing to know! But what i want to focus on right now is  the part that says " He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love." 

This generation seems to have a constant need for fulfillment.. We all do! But most of the time, teens don't fulfill themselves with God.. No, they try to fulfill themselves with other things like eating disorder, drugs,  alcohol, clothes, popularity, dating etc... Because they are convinced they NEED something, anything, to fulfill them. But we all know that there's only one thing that truly fulfills.. And that's God. 

For me personally, I've always wanted to HEAR God's voice.. I was convinced that i NEEDED to hear His voice all the time to survive and be happy..  But after reading this verse, I've changed.. I know now that I can't force God to speak to me just cuz I want Him to! That would be like me trying to force my mom to give me $20 bucks cuz I thought I NEEDED that shirt from Kohls! But really I have a drawerful of shirts almost exactly like it! 

So now I know... I can live without hearing God's voice all the time.. Because He takes great delight in me and He quiets me with His love.. And when I'm in the pit of despair and clinging to my faith by a thread, He will be there.. Singing a love song over me. Because God is not a god who listens to all our praise and just sits back and soaks it all in.. No, He sings back to us.. Just like the last part of the verse says: "He will rejoice over you with singing." How cool is that? :)

God bless!

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